CL-UH-B stands for Club Listings at the University of Hawaii Browsery and it’s a website that offers UHM students an easy way to find clubs that align with their interests. CL-UH-B makes sifting through the 280 clubs that are offered here at Manoa a little bit easier. With CL-UH-B, users can filter clubs by interests, search for clubs by name, favorite the clubs that they like, and add their own clubs to the database.
I worked in a group with three other people: Kevin Nguyen, Anh Le, and Julian Kim. My contributions to CL-UH-B primarily involved the functional components that related to Club Owners and Admins. This includes the Submissions page, the Admin page, the MyClubs pending/denied/deleted status, and the add/delete functionality. Source code to the website can be found here.
Through the development of CL-UH-B, I was able to get better at using Semantic UI React and Meteor. It also allowed me the opportunity to get acquainted with swal, also known as SweetAlert. In terms outside of frameworks and libraries, CL-UH-B also gave me a better understanding of design patterns, specifically the design patterns observer and model-view-controller.